« U Kraba » by Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi
A1. Strip Steve - Cause it's cold outside...
A2. Strip Steve - Whatever U.B.
B1. Strip Steve - Machine Gum Funk (ft. DJ Storch)
B2. Strip Steve - Capo
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A2. Strip Steve - Whatever U.B.
B1. Strip Steve - Machine Gum Funk (ft. DJ Storch)
B2. Strip Steve - Capo
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“‘Machine Gum Funk’ is a total cloak and dagger affair; the faux crackle of vinyl churns around beneath a uplifting melody, lulling you into nullifying space of introspective peace before the drums fire up in and the wild claps entwine with dazzling synth stabs. Rounding things off, ‘Capo’ is Steve’s mad meander into a hip-hop infected and lo-fi textured ode, which makes for a surprising, yet welcome ending to the release. For all the energy The Dog Days EP packs, this track actually comes out as being a personal favourite, particularly for the beautifully buried vocals in the second half.” - IfonlyUK.com
“Deep house mélancolique et harmonieuse, influences hip-hop et soul revendiquées, EQ réglé sur “vintage” et volonté limpide de ne pas livrer ce que l’on attend de la house music” - TRAX Magazine
- Groove.de
“Deep house mélancolique et harmonieuse, influences hip-hop et soul revendiquées, EQ réglé sur “vintage” et volonté limpide de ne pas livrer ce que l’on attend de la house music” - TRAX Magazine
- Groove.de